Level 3 RICS Survey
We conduct RICS Level 3 building surveys. Recommended for older properties, those which have been altered and if you are considering any major works.
Our surveys provide an in depth analysis of a property’s condition, including clear advice on defects, repairs needed and ongoing maintenance. Our reports are detailed and clearly written to be of practical assistance when purchasing a property.
Full details of the scope of Level 3 report can be found at: Scope of inspection: Home Survey Level Three
Note: We do not conduct Valuations

Specific Defect Reports
A Specific Defect Survey is used to assess a particular problem with a building. Examples include damp and unexpected cracking to walls. Our extensive inspection and report focusses upon the specific area of concern, giving recommendations for remedial action.
Where necessary we will advise if any further investigation is required such as the instruction of a Structural Engineer.

Condition Reports
Used to identify the condition of a building to advise on long term needs, our inspection and reports feed into planned maintenance and budgeting of works into the future. Particularly, working on Grade I listed buildings and churches, listed modern estates and community facilities, our specific detailed advice is tailored to the Clients’ needs.
See also Specifications and Schedules of Work.

Party Wall Matters
Property owners are required to follow specific guidance set in the Party Wall Act 1996 if undertaking building work which affects a party wall or party fence wall. If you or a neighbour are effecting works including foundations and loft conversions, it is a legal requirement to follow the procedures within the Act.
We have a wealth experience of acting as surveyor for the building or adjoining owner and as joint agreed surveyor for the process. Acting impartially, we will communicate with all parties to understand the nature and extent of the work. We will then produce a detailed ‘Award’ specifying the work to be done, when and how it is to be completed.

Specifications and Schedules of Work
For any defect, alteration or scheme of work we can produce a technical specification to be used by a contractor. Our deep understanding of materials, technical requirements and best practices ensure any specification provides a robust solution complying with current legislation.
See also Listed Buildings

Drone Inspections
Performed in conjunction with a CAA authorised operative, drone inspections allow close inspection of areas with limited or difficult access. Drone inspections undertaken over a series of months can build a valuable picture of the progress of ongoing issues. Clients include Churches and Grade I Listed Buildings.